By now, many of you have experienced some level of discomfort and anxiety over how our lives have changed because of Coronavirus. We have had to feel the fear of possibly getting the deadly disease, or our loved ones, and now, we face the stress of losing our jobs (income) and have to worry about saving money to protect ourselves from debt.
I have given you reasons, in previous messages, as to why this has been put upon us. The primary reason that Jesus and God have given me is that – it was necessary to humble us, because of our mistakes.
The message I have been asked to give to you today was given to me the night I sent out the mailer that talked about the consequence of the downward shift in our economy. I was woken up in the middle of the night to large blissful rays of white light filling me up, the sensation of love, and a vision of hearts. I then heard, “God,” clearly. God said to tell you, “God is a Forgiving God.” And that this consequence is not what He wishes. God asked me, and then commanded me, to give you His message. Here it is:
“Tell them that God is a forgiving and loving God. Remind them that I am waiting patiently, like a devoted Father, to forgive any and all trespasses. It is only with a sorrowful heart that I send the difficult lessons to my children, and it is done only … when all else has failed, and they have still continued to commit acts that break my laws and commandments, and my heart. Tell them that it is not I that create the painful and difficult lessons for them, but rather, it is the karmic consequences that they create, when they do not obey my laws. My laws were created so that they could live in only a peaceful state, where no harm would come to another. My wish is that my children stay devoted to me and my commandments, and then they would be spared the tough lessons sent to correct them.” Remind them that when they trip and fall in life, it is I that raises them back up. Tell them to ask me for forgiveness more often and more sincerely, so I can show them more mercy and help bring them back up. Humans make mistakes. Mistakes are meant to be forgiven. Give your Father the chance to forgive you by asking for my forgiveness. I am waiting patiently to forgive you and replace your struggles with blessings.”
While God gave me His message, He continued to fill me with white light and told me He wanted me to tell you that I am also a ‘direct messenger’ for Him. As God asked me to announce it, I saw and felt large halos of white light go down my spine and wrap around my feet, hands, and head. He said He was giving me more support and protection. I am a ‘direct messenger’ for God. This was revealed to me in the last few years by Kuan Yin, Jesus, and God during multiple visitations. A ‘direct messenger’ means that I receive messages from God, directly, and God does not require any other Guides or Angels to facilitate the message. When God wants me to work for Him, He calls upon me and summons me directly. He said He wanted this known so that people would take His channeled messages that He gives me to deliver more seriously, or live with knowing that they had the chance to.
Oracle Maureen
AAUF Founder