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Ban Dog Fighting

How Heaven Sees It
Ascended Master Kuan Yin has asked that I open up about the visions that She, and They, give to me when They call upon me to Bring Awareness to where there is Suffering in the world - that They… God and the Ascended Masters in Heaven – want Stopped!

The Vision
I was woken up to being in a really, really bad movie. I watched myself walking down some gnarly stairs in a bad house to the basement. Kuan Yin was holding my hand. She was guiding me down there. When I got to the basement, I saw a very disturbing image of a dog looking horrible. He was sitting alone in the middle of an empty room. He looked like he was starving, thirsty, angry and very sad. He had a large, heavy chain wrapped around his neck and was chained to a pillar. There was nothing by him. No food. No water. No bed. No soft place to lay. No caring owner. He was just tied up alone on a hard-concrete floor in the basement, which had no windows …”so no one would hear him bark, Kuan Yin said to me.” I felt devastated. I started to cry and get sick to my stomach.
When he saw me, his eyes filled with tears. He was shaking and afraid for his life. He was in deep, deep despair. I felt sick and angry, because of how he was being treated; chained up – like a prisoner. Kuan Yin took my hand again and walked me over to do the scared, neglected dog; and she said: “No one can hear animals talk here (on earth); but you can. Maureen. You (and others like you) Can hear them talk.” Just then I heard him speak to me - Telepathically - just like I have with all of the other animals that I connected with either in Heaven, when they have come through in readings; or the living ones here roaming around. He said: “Please Help me. I Do Not want to be doing this. Please rescue me. I do not want to fight. It is done against my will. I Am being hurt, very hurt. Please help me…”. I had already began crying a while ago. Now I heard myself making whimpering noises and my heart was racing with high anxiety – over his fate… over his misery, and for all of the other dogs – who are being brutalized through this cruel and violent activity – known as Dog Fighting.
When he began to speak to me, Kuan Yin lifted him up and put him in my arms. I Saw and Felt his pain and terror of being abused in his “training” process of being forced to fight. It was brutal. Kuan Yin then unlocked his chain and put him in my arms. She said: “take him out here now; rescue the dogs being abused – because of Dog Fighting.”
When the movie-vision was finally over, my face was wet with tears and I couldn’t fall back asleep for a long time.
What Kuan Yin put me through in her message is that: No. Dogs do not “Want” to Dog Fight. They have a very limited intelligence and will do whatever it takes to stay alive and get fed. She and the dog showed me that dogs are Brainwashed very easily, and they fight only because of how they have been groomed and conditioned – through a horrific systematic process of abuse – by depriving them of food, water, attention, companionship, sunlight, warmth, a soft place to lay down on, health care needs from wounds, and LOVE. They beat the dogs down so bad – they make them angry, if not insane. They train them to behave in a violent, vicious way. The dogs you see fighting are only doing what they have been conditioned to do based on their abusive environment, where they were taught violence as a means to stay alive. I had no idea about the truth of dog fighting before this experience. Kuan Yin made it Very clear to me; that dogs do not want to engage in Dog Fighting. They do it because they have been Brainwashed to fight – and they are being held as PRISONERS forced to do it. Kuan Yin showed me that dogs only want to feel good and be taken care of - Not viciously fighting. It is a lie to think that dogs “want” to do Dog Fighting. Heaven is crying tears of pain for the atrocity being committed against God’s beautiful dogs. Now you know the truth. Please do something to stop this madness and cruelty.
Maureen Allan Founder of AAUF
Oracle for the Higher Realms
You can still make a difference. Find a reputable charity and please help ban this horrific abuse being done to our dogs.
Event: First Group Reading Fundraiser in Mpls, MN
Date: November 23, 2018 Location: Crowne Plaza Northstar, Mpls, MN
Partnering Charity: ASPCA
Event: Second Group Reading Fundraiser in Mpls, MN
Date: December 27, 2018 Location: Crowne Plaza Northstar, Mpls, MN
Donated: $250
Partnering Charity: PETA
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