Do you have a prayer request that you would like help with, especially where there is suffering or the need for forgiveness for a sin/mistake? As a primary full-time oracle for Jesus, Maureen’s close position to Him has earned her the “gift of intercession.” This means that both God and Jesus have anointed her with the ability to pray on behalf of others and bring their prayers closer to Their attention – in the hopes of earning God's mercy. Jesus has asked His oracle, Maureen, to offer herself up to pray on behalf of those who desire His mercy.
When she prays for you, she acts as an intercessor, taking your prayers closer to His attention and pleads to Him on your behalf. Because she lives in state of being closely connected to Him (He is her Principle Spirit Guide), she can easily turn to Him and appeal to His grace, so that you may receive His mercy and be released from suffering.
To receive Maureen’s help to appeal to Jesus for you, He has asked that you make a “sacrifice to help make the world better.” He requires a donation to charity. Jesus directs Maureen to the areas of suffering that He wants aid given to.
STEP 1: Prayer for Mercy Donation
Donation Amount: Minimum of $10
Current Cause: Donations given to help starving children in developing countries.
Partner Charity: www.unicefusa.org
STEP 2: Submit Your Prayer Request
Include "Prayer Request" in the subject line. Please keep your request to one short paragraph.
Oracle Maureen
AAUF Founder