If you want to receive a higher level of help from your Spirit Guides and Angels, you must open the door to them. We all have them, and they are standing nearby, ready to guide us. However, when they are addressed and treated with respect and gratitude, the Guides and Angels that work for God in Heaven will feel more inspired to invest their time and energy into helping us. If you want to know what you can do to get more help from yours, here is my advice. Talk to them respectfully and be humble when asking for help. Also, convey gratitude for any and all help they may give you - down to even listening to your requests. They really are Gods, Goddesses, Saints, Angels, and Masters. They are very special beings that have earned a high position as leaders and teachers in God’s eyes and in the hierarchy of Heaven. Here is a prayer that you can do to earn more help from your circle of highly evolved beings:
“Dear Guides and Angels,
It is with the utmost respect that I call upon you for help in (state what you want help with). I humbly pray for your wisdom and guidance. Please intervene and show me your priceless advice on (state what you want support with). I promise to do my best to be loyal to your advice and trust your guidance. It is with a thousand thanks that I welcome any and all of your help.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Oracle Maureen
AAUF Founder