I was given a message from Jesus that He had a wish for His birthday this Christmas. When the Lord visited me, He said He wanted to “Feed the starving in Africa.” Jesus showed me visions of countless people in Africa that would not be sitting down to a nice Christmas dinner and in fact, would not be eating at all. He made me feel their hunger pangs as well as their despair and hopelessness. I wanted to give Jesus His birthday wish and raise money for the starving in Africa, which is a painful and debilitating hardship that most all of us here cannot relate to. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to Jesus' birthday wish of feeding those starving in Africa. You gave a gift of unimaginable relief and for that He, and I, are so incredibly grateful.
Blessings & Namaste,
Oracle Maureen
AAUF Founder
Amount Donated: $1044.50 Charity Partner: International Rescue Committee