You might be unaware of the violent crisis that happened in Ethiopia. Sadly, the lack of news coverage was deliberate. The Ethiopian government blocked journalists and made it difficult for them to cover the tragedies. They did this because they were also guilty of committing horrific acts of violence.
The war between the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) and Ethiopian government forces occurred between Nov. 2020 and Nov. 2022. As the opposing sides fought for the land in the Tigray region, numerous acts of cruelty were committed on innocent and vulnerable villagers at the hands of both the Ethiopian soldiers and their opposition, the TPLF. Tens of thousands of people were killed, thousands were driven out of the Tigray Region, and nearly 400,000 were left to starve in a famine-level state.
Soldiers forced Tigray people from their homeland using violent means, also known as ”ethnic cleansing.” Soldiers on both sides committed atrocious acts against innocent villagers in their pursuit of trying to take the land. Ethiopians suffered gang rapes, child rapes, torture killings, massacres, looting, pillaging, burning homes, destroying hospitals, ruining crops, and killing livestock-- all to drive them out of the area.
More than 2 million people were displaced within Ethiopian's Tigray region since the fighting began, with about half fleeing after they were driven out because their homes were burned down. Many found refuge in nearby areas like Sudan. They left without their possessions and had no income, food, medical care, or housing. Everything was taken from them.
The United Nations investigated both parties in the war for "crimes against humanity" and "war crimes." They have been horrifically abused in some of the most barbaric ways possible.
With your help, in partnership with UNICEF USA, we raised $5,100 to support Tigray families during January-March 2022. Your compassion has helped them to recover and start over.
Charity Partner: UNICEF USA
Amount Donated: $5,100