Oracle Maureen
Oracle Maureen is a Principal Full Time Oracle for the Four Ascended Masters: Jesus, Kuan Yin, Blessed Mother Mary and Buddha. In 2004, Maureen received a miraculous experience when she was visited by seven beings of Light from Heaven, who announced themselves as her Spirit Guides and one of her Guardian Angels. They spent two months ‘activating’ Maureen and opening her up higher to her psychic abilities and spiritual gifts. After training under a teacher for two years, Oracle Maureen was then called upon to work full-time. She has been serving Heaven and mankind ever since. Oracle Maureen is a Master Level Channeler and Spiritual Teacher who enlightens the world through readings, classes, healings, psychic investigations, meditations, entity clearings, and sharing the wisdom of the Ascended Masters through channeled messages.
In 2012, Kuan Yin visited Maureen and put her through several weeks of painful visions showing her the pain and suffering that exists in developing countries. Kuan Yin asked her Oracle to do something to help Her help the suffering – start a charity, so that She and Maureen’s other Guides could work through Maureen to bring relief to those in need. Overcome with concern and despair for both those suffering and Kuan Yin’s grief, Maureen obeyed her Guide’s wish and in 2013 started Angels Among Us Foundation, giving it the name and mission that Kuan Yin asked for. Since its inception, Maureen has obeyed every mission that the Ascended Masters have given her to enlighten the world– so people can be aware of who is suffering and rescue those living in misery.