Hope for Horses
Banquet & Group Reading
Saturday, April 15
5:00 - 9:00 PM
5:00 PM Social Hour
5:45 PM Seated Dinner
7:00 PM Group Reading
Join Angels Among Us Foundation for an Evening of Spirit Communication all while raising funds for an incredible cause! We will start the night off with a social hour including complimentary beverages and even an Angel-tini mocktail! The social hour will then be followed by a delicious dinner including rolls, salad, entree, and dessert. Lastly, we will top off the night with a miraculous two-hour Group Reading by AAUF Founder and Psychic Medium Oracle Maureen where you have a chance to connect with your loved ones on the Otherside and hear their messages of love and closure.
Please read more about our cause below.
Ayers Hotel Costa Mesa/Newport Beach
325 Bristol St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 549-0300
Admission: $250 (includes dinner and admission to Group Reading)
* Tax deductible portion is amount over $150
AAUF Contact Info
Email: info@aauf.org
Phone: (949) 933-5504

The Cause
AAUF is partnering with PETA to bring awareness and relief to horses that have been abused by performance sports like horse racing, rodeos, and more. Humans have used horses for entertainment and profit for so long now that we do not even see how unethical these activities are anymore. Please know your attendance is helping rescue innocent animals who do not have their own voice. To read the visions that Heaven has given Founder Oracle Maureen on this heartbreaking topic, click here.