Performance Horses

How Heaven Sees It
Heaven has revealed to me the horrifying truth about the abuse inflicted on horses used for entertainment. Horses are brutally whipped until they bleed, starved for performance, and pushed to exhaustion, which often results in death. When they are no longer deemed valuable, they are heartlessly killed. Please read what Heaven has shown me and take action to help stop this cruelty and save the horses from further abuse.
* This page is updated with new visions and messages as they come in. To make it easier to stay updated, the most recent messages are listed at the top. If you'd like to read the messages in chronological order, please start from the bottom of the page.

March 2024
Senseless Killing
The next vision that followed was given to me by Jesus. I awoke to Him showing me how the owners are killing the horses coldly and senselessly.
Jesus opened my third eye and showed me a vision of a beautiful horse who looked perfectly fine, as in not dying from illness or age. He then showed me a rifle aimed at the innocent horse that was standing in a pasture. Jesus, standing directly in front of me, then said in a sorrowful voice, filled with pain for the tragedy being committed against the horses,
"They are killing them for no reason."
He stepped closer to me so I could feel His pain and spelled this sentence out in large white letters in front of me so that I could make this impression on you. This act of murdering horses is hurting Jesus and God. They have let me know it will cost those committing this atrocity a severe and painful karmic consequence for treating God’s animals with such disregard and destroying them in this vile way.
Jesus also showed me they are trying to hide their violent acts. I saw the incident happen in a semi-dark atmosphere, likely evening or early morning. Jesus showed me that the perpetrators are purposefully killing their horses at times and in places where they would be less likely to be found out. It was ghastly to see a beautiful horse executed because, as Jesus told me, the owner deemed it unvaluable, as in the horse was no longer winning races or performing well in shows.
Jesus told me that this was their way to rid themselves of the horse and its expenses, such as food, water, boarding, and vet bills when the horse was no longer making them money.
Wow😥… I was in tears after Their painful visions enlightened me about the tragedies happening to many horses being kept captive in the performance and sports industries. It was sickening, shocking, and heartbreaking. They have given me this insight to enlighten you—so you now know the damage and abuses happening behind closed doors to the horses that are forced to entertain.
They do not have a voice. Heaven is relying on me to speak up for them. Please take these messages to heart and hear Heaven’s message; so that you can also be a voice for them. Please help me bring awareness to and stop the practice of using horses for entertainment. Please help me stop the barbaric abuses being done to them and do something to help the horses.
Oracle Maureen
AAUF Founder
May 2023
Senseless Killing
The next vision that followed was given to me by Jesus. I awoke to Him showing me how the owners are killing the horses coldly and senselessly.
Jesus opened my third eye and showed me a vision of a beautiful horse who looked perfectly fine, as in not dying from illness or age. He then showed me a rifle aimed at the innocent horse that was standing in a pasture. Jesus, standing directly in front of me, then said in a sorrowful voice, filled with pain for the tragedy being committed against the horses,
"They are killing them for no reason."
He stepped closer to me so I could feel His pain and spelled this sentence out in large white letters in front of me so that I could make this impression on you. This act of murdering horses is hurting Jesus and God. They have let me know it will cost those committing this atrocity a severe and painful karmic consequence for treating God’s animals with such disregard and destroying them in this vile way.
Jesus also showed me they are trying to hide their violent acts. I saw the incident happen in a semi-dark atmosphere, likely evening or early morning. Jesus showed me that the perpetrators are purposefully killing their horses at times and in places where they would be less likely to be found out. It was ghastly to see a beautiful horse executed because, as Jesus told me, the owner deemed it unvaluable, as in the horse was no longer winning races or performing well in shows.
Jesus told me that this was their way to rid themselves of the horse and its expenses, such as food, water, boarding, and vet bills when the horse was no longer making them money.
Wow😥… I was in tears after Their painful visions enlightened me about the tragedies happening to many horses being kept captive in the performance and sports industries. It was sickening, shocking, and heartbreaking. They have given me this insight to enlighten you—so you now know the damage and abuses happening behind closed doors to the horses that are forced to entertain.
They do not have a voice. Heaven is relying on me to speak up for them. Please take these messages to heart and hear Heaven’s message; so that you can also be a voice for them. Please help me bring awareness to and stop the practice of using horses for entertainment. Please help me stop the barbaric abuses being done to them and do something to help the horses.
Oracle Maureen
AAUF Founder
May 2023
Senseless Killing
The next vision that followed was given to me by Jesus. I awoke to Him showing me how the owners are killing the horses coldly and senselessly.
Jesus opened my third eye and showed me a vision of a beautiful horse who looked perfectly fine, as in not dying from illness or age. He then showed me a rifle aimed at the innocent horse that was standing in a pasture. Jesus, standing directly in front of me, then said in a sorrowful voice, filled with pain for the tragedy being committed against the horses,
"They are killing them for no reason."
He stepped closer to me so I could feel His pain and spelled this sentence out in large white letters in front of me so that I could make this impression on you. This act of murdering horses is hurting Jesus and God. They have let me know it will cost those committing this atrocity a severe and painful karmic consequence for treating God’s animals with such disregard and destroying them in this vile way.
Jesus also showed me they are trying to hide their violent acts. I saw the incident happen in a semi-dark atmosphere, likely evening or early morning. Jesus showed me that the perpetrators are purposefully killing their horses at times and in places where they would be less likely to be found out. It was ghastly to see a beautiful horse executed because, as Jesus told me, the owner deemed it unvaluable, as in the horse was no longer winning races or performing well in shows.
Jesus told me that this was their way to rid themselves of the horse and its expenses, such as food, water, boarding, and vet bills when the horse was no longer making them money.
Wow😥… I was in tears after Their painful visions enlightened me about the tragedies happening to many horses being kept captive in the performance and sports industries. It was sickening, shocking, and heartbreaking. They have given me this insight to enlighten you—so you now know the damage and abuses happening behind closed doors to the horses that are forced to entertain.
They do not have a voice. Heaven is relying on me to speak up for them. Please take these messages to heart and hear Heaven’s message; so that you can also be a voice for them. Please help me bring awareness to and stop the practice of using horses for entertainment. Please help me stop the barbaric abuses being done to them and do something to help the horses.
Oracle Maureen
AAUF Founder
February 2023
Senseless Killing
The next vision that followed was given to me by Jesus. I awoke to Him showing me how the owners are killing the horses coldly and senselessly.
Jesus opened my third eye and showed me a vision of a beautiful horse who looked perfectly fine, as in not dying from illness or age. He then showed me a rifle aimed at the innocent horse that was standing in a pasture. Jesus, standing directly in front of me, then said in a sorrowful voice, filled with pain for the tragedy being committed against the horses,
"They are killing them for no reason."
He stepped closer to me so I could feel His pain and spelled this sentence out in large white letters in front of me so that I could make this impression on you. This act of murdering horses is hurting Jesus and God. They have let me know it will cost those committing this atrocity a severe and painful karmic consequence for treating God’s animals with such disregard and destroying them in this vile way.
Jesus also showed me they are trying to hide their violent acts. I saw the incident happen in a semi-dark atmosphere, likely evening or early morning. Jesus showed me that the perpetrators are purposefully killing their horses at times and in places where they would be less likely to be found out. It was ghastly to see a beautiful horse executed because, as Jesus told me, the owner deemed it unvaluable, as in the horse was no longer winning races or performing well in shows.
Jesus told me that this was their way to rid themselves of the horse and its expenses, such as food, water, boarding, and vet bills when the horse was no longer making them money.
Wow😥… I was in tears after Their painful visions enlightened me about the tragedies happening to many horses being kept captive in the performance and sports industries. It was sickening, shocking, and heartbreaking. They have given me this insight to enlighten you—so you now know the damage and abuses happening behind closed doors to the horses that are forced to entertain.
They do not have a voice. Heaven is relying on me to speak up for them. Please take these messages to heart and hear Heaven’s message; so that you can also be a voice for them. Please help me bring awareness to and stop the practice of using horses for entertainment. Please help me stop the barbaric abuses being done to them and do something to help the horses.
Oracle Maureen
AAUF Founder

January 2023
They are Starving Them
Another vision showed me how the horses are not being fed adequately, to the point of starvation.
I awoke to a vision of the sad reality that, in many cases, horses are being fed only very small portions of food. God showed me a small appetizer plate with three small carrots and a few pieces of lettuce that were supposed to feed a large horse that had just spent the day running and expending his energy, being forced to perform. God said, “They are being fed small plates." He then showed me the horse eating the deficient meal and zoomed in to show me that the horse was too skinny, to the point of revealing his ribs. Again, I was heartbroken over the mistreatment of the horse. God said the owners and trainers are starving them to save money on food. It is a way to cut the costs of caring for them. I was furious—and still am.
January 2023
They are Creating Open Wounds
Sadly, I received more visions showing me how horses are being mistreated to the point of reaching abuse.
I awoke to a vision where God showed me that there are often open sores on the horses' legs. We, the spectators, are not close enough to see them, but the wounds were open, bloody, and the size of a walnut. I was horrified to see this. They were caused by the horses being repeatedly whipped and kicked—all measures the trainers and riders use to make them run and perform. When God showed me these open wounds, He made me feel the emotional pain that the horses have—in addition to the physical pain. Jesus had told me that animals feel pain at the “same level that humans feel pain.” Knowing this made my heart break even more for the suffering that horses endure when they are trapped in a life of performance, all while being abused the entire time.

September 2022
Whipping & Kicking Hurts Them
I awoke to a disturbing, movie-level vision where God showed me that horses are whipped and kicked so many times that large, bloody sores are created on the horse’s skin.
In the vision, I was horrified when God showed me that the rider created two large, open wounds on the horse's shoulders from whipping it and two more bloody sores on his lower abdomen from kicking it. I was devastated to see four open, bloody wounds in total. I was even more overwhelmed when God revealed that the rider knew that he inflicted these sores on his horse—four of them—but still chose to ride his horse and continue whipping and kicking it. God showed me the sores were so big because the rider just kept up his practice of, God’s words, “beating” his horse right on these wounds… making them larger and larger!
Horses are being forced to sprint and perform unnatural acts—not what they want to do at all. Many of the riders know or suspect that they are not only causing pain to their horses by whipping and kicking them, but they know that they are doing it in areas that already have sores and bruises. I was horrified to find this out!
The people supporting horses for entertainment—the horse owners, jockeys, rodeos, fairs, facilities, gamblers, etc.—are taking advantage of horses, our innocent animals, and using them for their self-interest—to seek profit, opportunity, and fame. They are abusing them in the process, and many of them do know that the abuse is happening. The abusers lack empathy and remorse for the well-being of the horses and, sadly, view the horse as a commodity for their own opportunity—to make money.
I was heartbroken and disgusted to have all of this revealed to me.
The vision ended by showing me that horses are not supposed to be used for entertainment—ever. God showed me that horses are supposed to run free and feel safe always. I saw a beautiful brown, healthy-looking horse running free in a pasture of rolling green hills, looking happy, where no rider was on his back beating him with whips or kicking him—trying to make him be something he is not.
God’s wish is that you help stop all practices that make horses perform for entertainment or money. Many times, the riders lose their tempers and become abusive to the horses. While there are many people who treat their horses ethically and lovingly, it is becoming more common for horses to be mistreated when they are used to ultimately make money. Trainers, jockeys, etc., are much more likely to lose control and take out their frustration on an animal if they view it as a financial commodity rather than a pet. It also goes against the natural state of how God created horses to be, which is to run free, not to be used as a circus act for humans to profit off of… and be beaten and tortured in the process.
Heaven has asked me to bring awareness to this tragedy and help you understand that making horses perform is abusive more often than not. Those who abuse horses will face a very undesirable karmic consequence—a severe punishment from God—for hurting His animals. We wish to enlighten the world about this fate to protect anyone who will listen to this warning, so they will not meet an unfavorable future.

2020 Visions
They Become Roadkill
I received more visions about how horrific race-horsing is to horses, a year after the first few I received. This one was given to me on my birthday, 11/21. I awoke to a vision of seeing race-horses laying down on the road. I was then filled with feelings of dread and anger as I heard God announce Himself to me and say:
"Roadkill. They make them run until they collapse and are run over by the other race-horses, running at them fast and trampling them by running them over, INJURING them, and even KILLING them!"The whips cut them and make them bleed," as God said this, I saw a vision of a jockey whipping a horse, breaking its skin and creating a bloody two-inch gash that opened up into a bleeding wound. As I was forced to watch, I felt the horse's pain… and God's. I went into high anxiety about all of this and then felt my own sadness, anger, and pain for the horse's well-being.
They are Denied Food so They Run Faster
"They are denied sufficient food." I saw a vision of a trough that was small and only half full of food. I saw two horses standing at it, wanting to eat. I watched as one of the two horses pushed the other horse out of its way to eat because there was not enough for two horses. I was forced to watch the horse walk away hungry. I was overcome with sadness and worry for him as I watched him leave hungry. I also saw he looked thin with boney ribs visible. I felt devastated for the horse and angry at the owners/caretakers. I even had to feel the horse's hunger pains. God told me that horses were being denied adequate food on purpose because the owners and jockeys want them lean so that they run faster. It broke my heart to see and know that one of their most basic needs, food, is not even taken care of properly for many of them and that they starve too.
People are Willing to Kill Horses so They can Gamble
A few nights later, I awoke again to receiving another heart-breaking vision. On November 24, 2020, I had to watch beautiful horses running and looking exhausted while men stood around them, cheering them on in an aggressive way, wavy money at them. As I watched the scene, I heard God say to me:
"They (the men) gamble at the expense of their lives (the horses). They gamble TO exhaust them and kill them." When God said this to me, our Creator filled me deep sadness, which turned into anger – His anger. He then told me to tell you this; so you would now know and do something about it to rescue the horses from horrible circumstances because they cannot rescue themselves – they NEED us to help them.

2019 Visions
They are Trapped in a Brutal Cycle of Being Whipped and 'FORCED' to Run
I was woken up sharply to seeing and being (feeling) whipped by competitive, aggressive men. I then had to look into a horse's beautiful brown eyes and see the pain and devastation it was in when it was repeatedly whipped. I had to feel the horse's panic and extreme anxiety that it was in of being trapped in a tortuous cycle of being whipped and forced to run, whipped, run, whipped, run, and again and again. I felt exhausted to the point that I wanted to collapse, but I couldn't because I kept getting whipped and forced to keep running. I then saw and felt the beautiful horse run itself right into the ground, falling over from exhaustion and just "Burn Out." Next, I saw the horse light up and implode in flames, and I heard Kuan Yin say: "They run them until they just Burn Out and die." She then sent me the feeling of complete devastation and horror that this is happening to our horses. When the movie finally ended, I woke up weeping for the horses and completely distraught, to the point of having an anxiety attack and crying. I laid there as my Guides sent me Healing Energy and worked to ground me and clear the anxiety, fear, and panic from me that was put into me – so that I could teach the truth of the horrible secrets that are being hidden from you: Race Horsing IS torture FOR the Horses!!!
They are Being Tortured by Being Whipped
A few months later, I was woken up to walking down Las Vegas Blvd., where a horse was standing in the middle of the street. The sidewalks along both sides of the road had crowds of people Watching – a pretty horse getting whipped. I was standing close enough to the horse that I could see the whip was cutting its fur and skin, leaving bloody welts all over his body. I then turned and watched the crowds just standing there, watching the horse getting hurt. There were tears in the horses' eyes while the jockey kept whipping it, until it fell down and just died in pain and agony.
I felt devastated and mortified to see the brutality that was inflicted on the innocent, beautiful horse. I also felt the feeling of horror and anger that my Guide, Ascended Master Kuan Yin, filled me with, that all the people just stood by - like "Spectators" - and did nothing - except watch and "Gamble" - and then walk by, un-affected. Kuan Yin said to me:
"When they do this to the horses (whip them), this is what really is happening." They Bleed! They ARE being tortured and abused, and it DOES Hurt them."
Race-horses are being injured much, much more severely than most humans either understand or will admit to knowing about. The whipping hurts the horses in the EXACT same way – it would hurt you if someone whipped you. This vision was so painful to watch and feel that my pillow was wet from crying tears.
The whole time Kuan Yin put me through the torture that race-horses go through, I felt Nothing but complete fear, panic, exhaustion, and desperation – when they made me feel what the horses feel. And then, I eventually felt mounting sadness and disappointment from Goddess Kuan Yin and God – for the people guilty of perpetuating these abusive acts on Gods' animals. If you support Horse Racing, you know now that you are inflicting torture on animals and going against God's Will – of "do no harm to another." Condoning or participating in this cruel act will result in such a severe karmic consequence that I can promise you no amount of money, fame, entertainment, or attention you seek will never be worth the pain your karmic consequence. They have given me the mission to bring awareness of how horrific race-horsing is to the horses and to inspire you to rescue the horses from their torture and to shut this barbaric gambling sport down. I have sent the message; it is now up to you. Please Choose to help Rescue our horses. DO NOT SUPPORT RACE-HORSING!